Monday, February 11, 2008

Life in Cartoon Motion

I walked into Streetlight records a couple weeks ago just to kill some time, check the used dvd bins and socialize with the people that work there. In case you didn't know, I have single handedly kept them in business.

You see, I have this rule. I know it is a silly rule, but it has worked for me for several years. The rule is this; in order to reward myself for not quitting every single sucky job I have had since moving to SF, I allow myself to spend a little money (never more than $100) every payday on the things that make me happy. Movies and music make me happy... I know... I'm simple. Hey, at least I don't pay full price!!! I have walked out of that store with thirty new CD's and ten movies for under $100 in one trip!

Well, back to the point at hand. A couple weeks ago I walked in and started rifling through the new used CD's. While I was distracted by titles like "Dreamt of for light years in the belly of a mountain" I noticed that my foot was tapping along to the overhead speakers. There was this cool little song on called "Grace Kelly". I don't listen to the radio that much so I had never heard this song... it was catchy and kinda cute and the lead singer sounded like a perfect blend of the Scissor Sisters and Freddy Mercury.

I usually spend about thirty minutes looking through the bins, so I got to hear the first half of Mika's "Life in Cartoon Motion". When I was done in the bins I went up to the counter and asked if I could get a copy of whatever was playing overhead.

When I got home and listened to it for the first time I found myself dancing around the room with this big Cheshire cat grin on my face. Some of the lyrics are kinda sad and angry, but you would never know if you weren't paying really close attention. So I had my friend Jeff come over to listen to it with me. Jeff is just starting to move past the pop music phase of his life and is getting more interested in albums. So when I find a new concept album I play it for him.

I don't know exactly how it happened but Jeff, my roommate Gabe and I somehow ended up twirling around the room in fabulous wigs, singing along at the top of our lungs... ok... maybe it was just me and they were filming... but you get the point.

It is rare when I can find a whole album. What I mean by that is there are a lot of musicians that don't spend any time thinking about the cohesiveness of what they are making. They are making songs, not albums. An album is something where every song ties together. This album by Mika is that kind of album. Every song fits in with the title of the album. It takes some very serious situations like break ups and falling out of love, coming out, cheating, even being overweight and puts them to some seriously happy making music. It paints a picture of what all these things would look like if we really lived like cartoons.

If you get nothing else from this album I promise that you will at the very least have a smile on your face, and your toes will be tappin. With that I will let you get to the music. If you haven't already, scroll up and press play. This video rocks!

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