Thursday, July 17, 2008

I need...

I know that a bunch of people casually glance at my blog, thought no one ever leaves any comments...grrrrr....

Well, I wanted to ask you all a favor.

I am writing a story right now, I am not going to tell you what it is about but I will tell you that in each chapter the main character learns a major life lesson... but I need your help.

I need to know the lessons life teaches. I mean big picture lessons, like love, trust, fear... things like that. These lessons will play a large part in the story, but I am having trouble coming up with more lessons. If you can think of a lesson, or even better, give me an example of a lesson life has taught you and how you came to learn it, I would be externally grateful.

Just leave it as a comment on this post.

Thanks, this will help a lot...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A big life lesson for me has been learning to trust - trust myself, trust the Universe, trust the people close to me. It means I have to give up control, which is hard.