Friday, September 12, 2008

Creatures of Memory and Habit, part 1

The first fundamental question is this:

Why would world governments and organized religions (that are allegedly based on love, compassion and acceptance) spend their time, money, and resources restricting the list of people who can and should adopt the worlds discarded children? While limiting the people who can adopt to a group of people that seldom do, and requiring a rigid judeo-christian family structure for all applicants. It's common knowledge that family's with children of their own rarely adopt more.

It's like we are saying to the people who want to care for children: "If you want to adopt children in this country, you must have a family structure exactly like the diagram here shows." We are telling them to convert to our nuclear christian religion or no child, as if it was a priveledge in the first place. With the sum of money that has been spent fighting about this petty argument of who is fit and who is not, we could have completely overhauled the entire foster care and adoption system. Sparing the current and future generations the pleasure of growing up in prison.

But this is not the real question.

How can we have entire generations of children to whom the foster care system and it's revolving door of faces act as mom and dad? Instead of focusing on who can't take care of these abandoned and given away children, why do we not instead ask; Who is having all these children and then throwing them away? Why do we regulate who cant have children and not who can? Why are there no legal or financial responsibilities placed on people who undertake the creation of life? Is creating them and leaving them somehow more socially acceptable than trying to take care of them and give them a stable home?

Why do these governments and religions not say "everyone must be responsible for giving these abandoned children stability and love." If you can raise a child and give it a stable home and provide all the basics like food, clothes, education, oppertunity and spirituality, than you should. Because it is better than being raised by a business.

Must we remain forever unmoveable in our individual faith and the minute details, yet so blind to it's greater meaning? Family IS important, all families. The Family of Humanity. Progress is recognizing that life has become bigger than a set of rules in a book. And evolution produces situations that the book never even concieved of. The governments have adapted, changing with the progression of society. Religion has stopped providing any new value. All that religion offeres is a two thousand year old structure that recognized nothing of the growth of the human race. How can any religion produce anything meaning full when all it's time is focused on the begining events? Will there be no middle, no growth? There was a time when religion was a new thing, and the people who wrote the great religious books decided what tales to include for the maximum future value. There has been no forward thinking since then.

That conundrum has brought us to where we are now. Religion is now focusing of what is present and how we have evolved and how it was not talked about two thousand years ago, and therefore must be bad. Thereby skewing the faithfull into a fight of not what is just and good, but who is right and who is wrong.

Life is not about punishing others for being different from you. This is the cause of division in the country right now. Everyone is focused on religion and it's hold on the political structue.

What the religious leaders need to remember is that this country is free for all. Not just free for the faithfull. And though they may feel right in their faith about something, it does not make it right for all. This country and it's rights are for all that dwell upon it's lands. Faith is there to give us guidance for a peacefull life and to lead us to a place of serenity. It is not to be used as a weapon against those that do not believe. It would benefit the religions of the world to remember their cause. Sticking to their rigid unwavering structure weakens their longeveity, causes unrest, and eventually provides no growth of the soul in terms of present day reality. Their primary responsibilty is to mind and care for the human soul and give us spiritual guidance. The laws of man (as has been so often misused by members of both religions and politicians) should have nothing to do with the tending to the soul and spirit of a person, and so too, those who tend to the souls of mankind should not be allowed to write the laws.

Can we take the lessons of the book. Can we put into practice the parts that would bring about peace and not just pay them lip service by preaching about them. Society has skewed into a negative reality. The focus has become the different, the bad and the wicked. The miracles, the great works go unnoticed in this our age of misdirection and spin.

It is time now, for a great new dawn in America. Let us stop from the petty fights, and turn our attention to the bigger pictures. Humanity is suffering everywhere. We have the knowledge and the where with all to fix these problems for good. We could erradicate hunger and famine. The human race has come to that point... Where we can come close to truly curing some of the longest problems mankind has ever faced. Let us stop with the in-fighting. Let us now, finally, get to work on the good and the just.

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