Sunday, December 14, 2008

To Wake From Sleeping

To Wake From Sleeping

Some things seem forever beyond my reach
Happiness and love, those things you can't teach
I've struggled for years to fight my way in
To get warmth, the heat, the passion within

A few short breaths were breathed into my soul
And made me forget that dark empty hole
A moment unlike any I've ever known
A second in which the secret was shown

Though brief and fleeting and gone all too soon
My heart awoke in its slumbering cocoon
A world revealed that I thought had been dead
I should never have believed the lies I said

What things did I say to make my heart numb
The lives passed up for not knowing the sum
I could have been happy a long time ago
Had I quit lying about what I don't know

Time now to awake from this world I've made
Rip up the tracks that my numbness has laid
The world is filled with things wondrous and new
Now that I've woken I've so much to do.

-Shane Joseph Kroll

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! This is so beautiful and moving. It gives me hope...