Saturday, June 20, 2009

The secret about boot camp...

On your very first night of boot camp... you learn a cool trick that comes in handy in all aspects of life... How to find good sleep at any time at the drop of a hat. Below are examples of my days in boot camp.

Up at 4:00am every morning and not allowed in bed until 10:00pm at night, and very little of that being free time, you learn very quickly the value of a good power nap. Keep in mind, this was a unexplainable lull when I grabbed my camera and started snapping. As just so you know, the rule is: No recruits on beds or chairs during operating hours.

My favorite Navy slogan that I still use today in both regular and dirty minded company alike is "Nutts to Butts, people".

The night we got off the plane, shorn of hair, all in sneakers and matching blue navy sweatsuits, sitting in the hallway of the processing station, getting our first glimpse of military efficiency, we were told to spread our legs our in front of us in a single file line on the floor and gets our nutts right up to the guy in front of us's butt.
As hot as that may sound to many of my readers, keep in mind that this was at 2:00am, just off a plane, in a completely foreign environment and we were so exhausted that the reason for positioning us in such a way became shockingly obvious as we each succumbed to sleep and passed out on the back of the man in front of us.

Nice instant team building right there... plus quite a night to go through.

And just for the record... Yes, I can sleep while standing up. I may have to lean against something however...

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