Monday, November 9, 2009

How to argue without Logic...

Try talking to someone of "FAITH".
Anderson voted "Yes" in the Jesus Christ Poll. 11,137 people have already cast their vote.

Question: "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?"
- Yes
- No
- Maybe

Fri at 5:29pm
via My Polls
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Shane Kroll
Shane Kroll
Oh god... we havent lost you to the dark side have we????

Fri at 5:34pm · Delete
Debbie Quintero
Debbie Quintero
Jesus is not the dark side. He is the light. Satan is dark and evil. I Pray that one day you will find his eternal life and you will then see what I am talking about. If you don't find it you will never see the kingdom of God ( heaven). Harsh reality I know but God's word is my confimation. God's word is the truth.

12 hours ago
Shane Kroll
Shane Kroll
No Offence Debbie, but as the old russian proverb goes: "Go to heaven for the weather, go to hell for the company."

4 hours ago
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Debbie Quintero
Debbie Quintero
I don't know about any russian proverb, never heard it but I don't listen to old wives tales or proverbs. Except the Proverbs in the Bible. The book next to Psalms.There is no offense taken here. I know I want to go to heaven for more than the weather it will be to see my Savior that died for me. As for going to hell to see my friends or be with company that is just what satan wants you to think. That you will be having a party with your friends side by side. So far from the truth. There will be fire, waling and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 25:46 And these will depart into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.Revelations 20:14 Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death – the lake of fire. 15 If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, that person was thrown into the lake of fire.
I am sad for you that you don't care whether you live eternal life in hell or not. It gives you no hope and it just saddens my heart. Debbie

about an hour ago
Shane Kroll
Shane Kroll
I dont believe in your book any more than I believe in Harry Potter, since they both have about the same basis in reality. And what the russian proberb means is that I would rather spend my waking and after life with people who actually LIVED their life, learned to think and were aware while still alive, as opposed to people who spent their entire time on earth worrying about what happens after. And people whose sole experience of life can be confined to one book and one experience. Out of respect for AJ I'm done having this conversation.

about an hour ago
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Debbie Quintero
Debbie Quintero
Sorry to hear you don't believe in the Gods word. One day you will regret you said that and you will be reminded of this conversation. As for your life, you spend it whatever way you feel you need to. As for my life I don't worry about my eternity. I have the hope of Christ and He gives me a eternal peace. I feel so sad for your soul Shane. May God touch you in His mighty way. AJ's Aunt Deb

58 minutes ago
Shane Kroll
Shane Kroll
Debbie, I will not regret living my life fully. Nor will I ever regret not believing in one of the worlds many religions. As has been demonstrated throughout history, the righteous have brought nothing but division, hate, war and death (with the only exception being Buddhism). And while you can defend and argue that point until you are blue in the face, it will not change the fact. Religion is simply a way to control thought and separate the human race from each other.

Religion is an excuse to not be responsible for your own life. "God will provide, Jesus will guide me, etc..." I am responsible for my life, not some fiction of imagination. I have made my mistakes and I have worked hard for my miracles. I am alive NOW, not after I die.

I'm sorry to have declined your offer of friendship, it is not a reflection on you personally. I just don't want Jesus crap on my page every day. I cant be engaged with an organization that consciously ignores fact, logic and reason, just so they don't have to reconcile reality and fantasy.

The ability to think for ourselves is one of the best parts of being human, and I'm sorry to say Christians do very little other than tell people that they are bad and wrong, and that only they are right and just. Any proof of that can be seen in all of your messages, and to be perfectly honest not only is it insulting but it just demonstrates your christian arrogance and one sided thinking. And personally I neither need nor do I want your phony christian sympathy. I don't fear for my soul, and you don't even know me.

1 comment:

Mom said...

well said. I'm somewhere in the middle of the two of you. I am a believer who has chosen to believe out of my ability to choose for myself. I don't believe the bible is anything but a collection of fables but I do believe that there was a person named Jesus who was an expression of God and consider myself to be a (Zen) Christian. Don't be distracted by rhetoric. You're spiritual beliefs are your own and, if you're aware and curious, they will evolve as you evolve.